Republicans control the House of Delegates and the Governor’s mansion, and Dems barely hold the Senate; if Republicans take the Senate, then Virginia will become Florida, which means forced childbirth laws, schools teaching whitewashed history, “don’t-say-gay” laws, and other measures to erase LGBTQ youth.
We can’t let this happen; all Dems need to help in some way. Here are four non-local races where our help can make a difference:
The state party’s political staff say that two must-win races are Senate District 17 (Delegate Clint Jenkins looking to move up) and Senate District 24 (incumbent Senator Monty Mason running in a redrawn district). These races aren’t in the neighborhood, but if you can send a few bucks, it can help us retain the Senate!
In not-too-distant HD-57, Western Henrico/Eastern Goochland, Charlottesville native Susanna Gibson is running in a no-incumbent, competitive district; we need to win this seat to have a chance at a House of Delegates Democratic majority. January 6 insurrectionist John McGuire represented about 55% of current HD57 voters in the old HD56, so we have MAGA voters to beat!
Lily Franklin is running for the HD-41 seat, around Blacksburg. Charlottesville Dems know her well from her excellent work on the Josh Throneburg campaign, and she’s exactly the sort of person we need in the House! She’s in a right-leaning district, but we believe Lily has a fighting chance if we pull together. The “Turn Out the Vote Thursdays” group will be helping her campaign, possibly including a road trip to knock on doors there.
Whatever you choose to do, please do something to help the good guys hold the Senate and regain the House! Thank you!
And re: bad guys (elections matter!): our former 5th District Representative, Republican Tom Garrett, now running unopposed for VA House of Delegates District 56, was back in the news yesterday re: his bitter divorce proceedings with allegations of spousal abuse, attempted suicide, and thoughts of having his chief of staff killed.