Virginia Senate District 11
Delegate Sally Hudson (https://sallyforvirginia.com)
Sen. Creigh Deeds (https://www.senatordeeds.com/)
Virginia House of Delegates District 54
Katrina Callsen (https://www.katrinacallsen.com)
Dashad Cooper (cooperfordelegate@gmail.com)
David Brown (dbrowndc@gmail.com)
Bellamy Brown (https://www.bellamybrownfordelegate.com)
Dave Norris (https://votefordave.org)
Charlottesville City Council
(3 seats, but we’ve not seen any candidacies announced yet)
As a matter of policy, the Cville Dems don’t take sides in primaries. We’ll cover these races through June in an even-handed way in this newsletter, on our website, and on social media.