42 events found.
The Charlottesville Democratic Committee
Senior Statesment of Virginia (SSV) invited both candidates for the VA 5th Congressional District race back in July. Gloria accepted, but her opponent declined the invitation. This is a good chance to learn about Gloria's views on issues of importance and to ask her questions. The program will be moderated by former SSV Board member, […]
Join State Senator Creigh Deeds and Delegate Katrina Callsen on Tuesday, September 17, 2024, 5:30-7:30pm, for cupcakes and conversation as they open their District Office in Downtown Charlottesville at 701 E. High St., Suite 411 (map)! RSVP here.
Our “Get Out the Vote (GOTV) Thursdays” gatherings are very popular! Every Thursday from 5-7pm, we’ll be sending out canvassers – that’s job #1 one right now. We’ll also be making phone calls, writing postcards and sending texts. Please plan to join us on the lawn outside of Brazos Tacos at Ix Art Park. Since […]
Screenshot Come chat with Gloria Witt on Thursday, October 3 from 7:00-8:30pm at the home of Martha and Diane Szaflarski.
This website is paid for by the Charlottesville Democratic Committee and is not affiliated with any office holder or candidate.