Local photojournalist and artist Ézé Amos is the creator of the exhibit “The Story of Us: Reclaiming the Narrative of #Charlottesville through Portraits of Community Resilience”, 36 larger-than-life 10′ x 8′ photos mounted front and back on trees all along the Downtown Mall. Each photo will have a QR code linking to a 3-minute recording of the person highlighted in the photo describing that moment in their own words and voice. Eze donated the photos to the City, which will install them August 9-10 (this exhibit is the City’s only anniversary commemoration event).
Ézé is collaborating with us to offer the community two free events meant to help Charlottesville deeply engage with our collective experiences of A12 through the exhibit:
- Wednesday August 10, 6:30pm — Meeting in the Downtown Library’s Swanson Case Room, Ézé will facilitate a town hall-style presentation in which he will both explain the genesis and intentionality behind “The Story of Us” and also offer attendees a chance to share their emotions and memories of their experiences of that weekend. Come in person or use this Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85683422230
- Saturday August 13, 11am — Ézé will lead a roughly hour long guided walking tour of the exhibit, photos. The meetup spot will be the Downtown Mall water fountain at the intersection with 2nd Street NE.
You won’t want to miss these powerful presentations and the chance to engage with Ézé about his very compelling exhibit (two samples below). Please spread the word, please bring family and friends!