35 events found.
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The Charlottesville Democratic Committee
The Full Committee will meet, weather permitting, at the Forest Hills Park picnic shelter, 1000 Forest Hills Park Ave., starting at 6pm; the unusual start time gives primary candidates a final Full Committee opportunity to informally meet and chat with members before the primary. Please bring your own chair and an extra if possible. If rain (or […]
DETAILS ARE SET: The Cville Dems candidates forum for the three seats on the Charlottesville City Council will be THIS WEDNESDAY, May 24, 6:30-8:00pm, at Buford Middle School, 1000 Cherry Ave. Attend in person, or watch it virtually on Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87396492694?pwd=ak1PV0wvREJEdzdDemVXdTNIcnNtZz09 The five candidates are Dashad Cooper, Bob Fenwick, Natalie Oschrin, Michael Payne, and Lloyd […]
This website is paid for by the Charlottesville Democratic Committee and is not affiliated with any office holder or candidate.