- Attendance was great —200+ people signed up, 59 of them at the sponsor levels. Thank you all!
- Actually, attendance was even greater — coincidentally, another 100 people were a block away at the Federal Building protesting the Supreme Court decision to strike down Roe v. Wade, and when they heard Sen Lucas was speaking they came over to hear her… so in the end, we had a crowd of 300!
- Financial success — we think this will put us in a good financial position to work hard on all the political issues facing us.
State Senator Louise Lucas was amazing; the crowd greeted her enthusiastically and she really returned the love, pumping up the crowd to “fight like hell” to defend women’s right to choose from Republican attacks. Watch these CBS19 and NBC29 clips (we got them to come over from covering the Federal Building protest to interview her about the Supreme Court’s Roe decision).
Other guest speakers, all warmly and enthusiastically received, included 5th District Committee Chair Patricia Harper-Tunley, State Senator Creigh Deeds, Delegate Sally Hudson, and Eleanor Roy from the Josh Throneburg 5th District congressional campaign (Josh was scheduled to speak but caught Covid).
Kudos and big thanks to the Fundraising Committee, chaired by Nancy Damon. They were very pleased with how things turned out and were pleased that all the eating materials were compostable, except for the aluminum cans which were recycled!