We still need help with fundraising!
If you’d like more information or have a question about a role or volunteer opportunity, please contact Nancy or Josh as soon as possible at cvilledemschair@gmail.com, and they’ll be happy to explain everything.
The Charlottesville Democratic Committee
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We still need help with fundraising!
If you’d like more information or have a question about a role or volunteer opportunity, please contact Nancy or Josh as soon as possible at cvilledemschair@gmail.com, and they’ll be happy to explain everything.
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The first Executive Committee meeting of the year was a success. Much to do in this coming year!
Young people 22 and under – 76% vote Democratic. This has sparked some new ideas from our members, ranging from election stickers on scooters to using voter registration proof for entry to events. Two events suggested for free admission with a voter registration card were a women’s basketball tournament at Tonsler Park and/or possibly a play entitled It Can’t Happen Here (yes, the decades old Sinclair Lewis political play, updated with today’s urgency) if it were to be produced here.
Here’s a talking point for those who may lean for Republican Bob Good: “Did you know that he hasn’t gotten a single bill out of committee? He’s not being effective at working for his constituents.”
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In addition to the March Presidential Primary, there will also be a caucus in Charlottesville on either Apr. 20 or Apr. 22 – more information to follow once the date has been settled!
Why do we have a caucus when there are already primaries? Glad you asked! We need to elect 14 delegates plus five alternates to represent Charlottesville at both the Fifth District convention in Fluvanna on May 18 and the DPVA (state) convention in Richmond on June 22. At both of these conventions, the Cville delegates will be voting on National Convention Delegates to represent Virginia in Chicago. The Fifth District convention is also responsible for electing the Democratic Electoral College member who will cast a vote for President Biden and Vice-President Harris after they win Virginia this November! The DPVA convention will also elect two Democratic Electoral College members, and elect five Virginia members of the Democratic National Committee.
Come to the Full Committee meeting on Feb. 26 for more information about the caucus/convention procedures, and what it means to be a “delegate” to the Fifth District/DPVA conventions here in Virginia versus being a “national delegate” to the Democratic National Convention in Chicago. (If you can’t come to the Full Committee meeting, there are online information sessions with DPVA staff on Feb. 20 and Feb. 22.)
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We’re back to regular meeting schedules, weather willing. The first meeting with new officers and other Executive Committee members will be 6:30pm on Monday, Jan. 29. The location is the Madison Room at the Jefferson Madison Central Library. If you’re new to the Cville Dems, welcome! Come meet lots of like-minded people.
Also, mark your calendars for the next Full Committee meeting. Every Cville Dem is welcome — 6:30 pm, Monday, Feb. 26. Location to be announced closer to the meeting.
This website is paid for by the Charlottesville Democratic Committee and is not affiliated with any office holder or candidate.