It was a rainy day when delegates convened at Fluvanna High School May 18 to elect delegates, but the auditorium was full of warmth and humor as the various counties and cities in the Fifth District introduced their delegations. “The great and honorable county of X known for its Y is here in full,” rang out repeatedly. Then delegates and alternates got down to the business of voting for five District-Level Delegates to the National Convention in Chicago, as well as a District-level Presidential Elector.
The candidates who ran together as a slate for the National Convention Delegate seats won, including our co-chair, Josh Throneburg. The others are Bernard Baker of Danville, Dr. Cameron Webb of Albemarle County, Patricia Harper-Tunley of Lunenburg County, and Tina Winkler of Goochland County.
One elector was chosen: Gary Schatz from Louisa County.
At the State Convention on June 22 in Richmond, Delegates from all the counties and cities in the Commonwealth will elect Virginia’s state-wide representatives to the National Convention in Chicago (At-Large Delegates and Alternates to the National Convention, along with Pledged Party Leaders and Elected Officials), two At-Large Presidential Electors, and Virginia’s members of the Democratic National Committee for the next four years. Many thanks to our fellow Charlottesville Democrats representing us as our delegates at both the Fifth District Convention and the State Convention!
Brag Time — the Cville Dems won an award (pictured below) for doing the hard work of filling out our delegate and alternate slots (with Creigh Deeds sitting in for us at the last minute that day due to cancellations). We also got this shot of Erin Monaghan reading the rules of the day.