June 7 Cville Dems Summer Bash is nearly here: Silent Auction, Live Music, and more!
June “Democracy on Tap” — Charlottesville’s Latino Community with Avery Chenoweth
Know Your Fifth District Candidates…. and Vote!
Get to know the three Fifth District US Congressional Democratic candidates for the June 18 Primary Election.
Our VA-05 House of Representatives candidates in alphabetical order are:
Paul Riley: https://paulrileycongress.com/
Gary Terry: https://garyterryforcongress.com/
Gloria Witt: https://www.gloriawittforcongress.com/
The Senate candidate is our incumbent Senator Tim Kaine. Go, Tim!
And of course, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are running hard against Trump for the White House and American democracy — not demagoguery — for all.
Everybody vote! Early voting is open through June 15.
Will You Be One of Our Student Interns This Summer and/or Fall? Or Do You Know A Student Who Would Be Good?
We’re looking for some college or high school students who can help us work on the Presidential, Senate, and Congressional campaigns this summer and/or fall. We’re able to offer a small stipend. The students will be doing social media, working to get out younger voters, canvassing, texting, phone-banking — all the many things that campaigns do to get out the vote!
If you might be interested in one of these positions, or know people who might be, please have them contact Josh Throneburg (joshuathroneburg@gmail.com) or Nancy Damon (nancycdamon@gmail.com).
Focus on Fifth District Candidates: Gloria Witt
[Our newsletters have been featuring the Fifth District Congressional candidates in random order, picked from a hat. The wording is taken directly from their campaign websites.]
Gloria’s priorities (edited for length, some sections continue online):
Uphold Democracy
- Ensure our individual freedoms are protected against all forms of discrimination. It is not the government’s business who we love or how we worship.
- Expand access to voting.
Strengthen Families
- Restore reproductive rights – trust women to make decisions about their bodies.
- Expand access to basic quality healthcare.
- Advance affordable childcare – every child should have access to quality day care to establish the foundation for lifelong learning.
Rethink Education
- Re-invent k-12 public school education and replace “No Child Left Behind” policies.
- Support teachers – licensure, pay, and development.
- Strengthen pathways to workforce skill development, i.e., Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM), Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs.
Spur Smart Economic Growth
- Address economic inequality with workforce skill training and living wage job creation.
- Support climate friendly economic growth, i.e., carbon-free energy solutions.
Address Gun Violence
- Close background check loopholes at gun shows, private sales, online sales, and pawn shops.
- Mandated waiting periods before every gun purchase.
- Ban assault weapons.
Fifth District Delegates and a Virginia Elector Chosen

It was a rainy day when delegates convened at Fluvanna High School May 18 to elect delegates, but the auditorium was full of warmth and humor as the various counties and cities in the Fifth District introduced their delegations. “The great and honorable county of X known for its Y is here in full,” rang out repeatedly. Then delegates and alternates got down to the business of voting for five District-Level Delegates to the National Convention in Chicago, as well as a District-level Presidential Elector.
The candidates who ran together as a slate for the National Convention Delegate seats won, including our co-chair, Josh Throneburg. The others are Bernard Baker of Danville, Dr. Cameron Webb of Albemarle County, Patricia Harper-Tunley of Lunenburg County, and Tina Winkler of Goochland County.
One elector was chosen: Gary Schatz from Louisa County.
At the State Convention on June 22 in Richmond, Delegates from all the counties and cities in the Commonwealth will elect Virginia’s state-wide representatives to the National Convention in Chicago (At-Large Delegates and Alternates to the National Convention, along with Pledged Party Leaders and Elected Officials), two At-Large Presidential Electors, and Virginia’s members of the Democratic National Committee for the next four years. Many thanks to our fellow Charlottesville Democrats representing us as our delegates at both the Fifth District Convention and the State Convention!
Brag Time — the Cville Dems won an award (pictured below) for doing the hard work of filling out our delegate and alternate slots (with Creigh Deeds sitting in for us at the last minute that day due to cancellations). We also got this shot of Erin Monaghan reading the rules of the day.