Bon Voyage Bekah Saxon!
- Her “day job” was organizing teachers with the Virginia Education Association, where she earned a major victory in March when the Charlottesville School Board became only the fourth division in Virginia to give its employees collective bargaining rights.
- She served for years as Secretary (a stalwart on the Executive Committee, providing context and history whenever she could), as party co-chair 2020-2021 with Sharon Cannon Webb, and a fierce Voter Protection advocate who helped organize our local efforts in recent years (and our ace logistics person on Election Days, spearheading the gathering of materials to give to arriving voters and water bottles and other supplies for our volunteers).
Biden Administration Unveils “Invest in America” Website
One reason the economy is doing so well (see below!) is the investment in American infrastructure from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the CHIPS and Science Act, the Inflation Reduction Act, and other initiatives. The White House Tuesday launched an “Invest in America” website letting everyone see where the money is going.
2nd Annual Summer Bash Fundraiser is just Days Away!
The 2023 Summer Bash, our annual fundraiser, will be an outdoor event with Lynlee Thorne, Political Director of Rural GroundGame, as our guest speaker. Last year we had a great time, and having the event right before the June 20 primary also gives us the perfect chance to chat with our City Council, House of Delegates, and State Senate candidates.
- $100 or $250 (both include 2 dinner tickets)
- $500 (includes 4 dinner tickets)
Meet the Candidates running in the June 20, 2023 Democratic Primary
House of Delegates District 54 (vote for only 1)
- Katrina Elizabeth Callsen (katrinacallsen.com) — overview info
- David M. Norris (votefordave.org) — overview info
- Bellamy Warren Brown (bellamybrownfordelegate.com) —overview info (partial)
Charlottesville City Council (3 seats, vote for not more than 3)
- Robert F. Fenwick Jr. — overview info pending from candidate
- Michael Keith Payne (https://michaelpayneforcville.org) —overview info
- John Lloyd Snook Jr. (lloydsnookforcouncil.com) — overview info pending from candidate
- Dashad Lorenzo Cooper (dashadcooper.com) — overview info
- Natalie Oschrin (nat4cville.com) — overview info
State Senate District 11 (vote for only 1)
- Robert Creigh Deeds (senatordeeds.com) — overview info
- Sally Lindquist Hudson (sallyforvirginia.com) — overview info