Election Night Watch Party at Kardinal Hall (Tuesday 6:30-11:30pm)
The Charlottesville Democratic Committee
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At the meeting we’ll be distributing free Cville Dems mugs. Why? We want to use fewer disposable products at our events— at the polls, during voter registration, “Turn Out the Vote Thursdays” at Ix, etc. Thanks for conserving (and getting Cville Dems more exposure!).
As for clothing… we also have a NEW Sweatshirt/T-shirt with a logo on front and nothing on the back. T-shirts are $10 and sweatshirts $20, bargains bordering on a steal. Get yours right away so you can be a walking billboard for us and Democratic candidates in the leadup to November 5! Thanks to Blue Ridge Graphics for giving us amazing pricing so we can offer them to you so inexpensively.
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Check out our videos on our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@CvilleDemsVote
Many of the latest include statements from Gloria Witt, who’s running in the Fifth District to BEAT John McGuire.
View them, like them, comment on them, and of course share them with Dem-leaning friends in our district!
Here are some other ways to help Gloria get elected:
For more ideas, visit Gloria’s How to Get Involved page.
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The Cville Dems and Rural GroundGame (RGG) are featured in a new text banking article that appeared in “Grassroots Connector” yesterday, a national newsletter for grassroots political group leaders (like Lynlee Thorne of Rural GroundGame) working to amplifying the power and the voice of grassroots citizen activists (people like you!).
The article, written by our own Dan Doernberg, was based on background information from Frances Summers and Mary Ann Harris and included perspectives from Thursday volunteers Mark Hall, Andi Goodman, and Annette Owens as well as tips from RGG’s Abby Garber. Check it out!
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Come out and support our Albemarle Dem friends at their annual BBQ on Sunday, October 13 from 3-6pm at Pen Park (Shelters #2+#3). You’ll get to hear a keynote speech from Khizr Khan and rub elbows with Gloria Witt, Senator Creigh Deeds, Delegates Amy Laufer and Katrina Callsen, and School Board candidate Chuck Pace. A good time will be had!
This website is paid for by the Charlottesville Democratic Committee and is not affiliated with any office holder or candidate.